Sites of the Research Groups
- Plant production in recirculation and artificial environment
- Production of animal protein in recirculation technology
- Production of concentrated and functional food
- Water and waste recirculation
2. Introduction
2.1. Plant production in recirculation and artificial environment
The main task of the NOV team is to apply plant biotechnology, plant physiology and molecular genetics in the field of space plant growing. For the production of adequate quantities and qualities of plant nutrients, we need new and innovative plant growing process, like the PIROT system. Our team carrying out reseraches with model plant species (i.e. sweet potatoes, common chickweed, leafy vegatebles, etc.) and microalgae. The researches of the NOV working group is organised like a closed network system. We performs our activities in three different levels and locations. First, our working group is doing some research at the existing institute site. Second, we are planning to do investigations following the completion of the 'Green' and 'Blue' experimental glasshouse, equipped with smart Horti-Led lighting systems. Third, we will use our multifunctional plant biotechnological test-bench-system called 'EK43' Biodrome which is under development. This device combines the PIROT plant growing surface with photo- and phytobioreactor systems as well as a small aerob fermantation device.
Our actual research activities are the following:
- Study of the innovative elements of the PIROT and other water- and energy-efficient vertical plant growing systems (NMS, NFS, BP, HP) using alternative and/or potential space plants for the production biologically valuable vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. (Prof. Miklós G. Fári & Judit Koroknai);
- Monitoring the physiological processes of alternative and/or potential space plant growing systems under stress conditions to promote increased production, and/or accumulation of biologically valuable molecules („medical food”). (Dr. Szilvia Veres & Dr. Péter Makleit)
- Research on sprout growing and fitoboireactor propagation of somatic embrios with alternative and/or potential space plants (Judit Koroknai)
- Monitoring the genetic variability of alternative and/or potential space plants under stress conditions (Dr. Erika Kurucz)
- Study of the dietary fiber production and controlled carbon dioxide bioconversion with alternative and/or potential space plants grown by smart vertical crop production systems (Dr. Szilvia Kovács)
- Photobioreactor research of microalgae with special emphasis on controlled production of renewable protein, carbohydrates, and PUFA /MUFA lipids. Study of biological production of oxygen in closed systems (Dr. Nóra Bákonyi)
2.2. Production of animal protein in recirculation technology
Research on skeletal muscle cultures and muscle cell lines are in the focus of our project. Until now we were working on human and mouse primer cell cultures, and our further activity will be carried out on cultures from chicken and cattle muscle as well. Although a big advantage of primer cultures is that, those could be used as a model for the mechanism of cell proliferation and differentiation, their disadvantage is the challenges of cell production in large quantities. The planned model system is perfectly applicable to give colours for the pale muscle cells those are living without blood vessels. Different plant extracts will be used to paint the cells, measuring the uptake of colorants by the cells and study whether it provides the illusion of red meat. During the project, we plan to change and optimize the cell culture media to alter the growth and differentiation of cells. We also tend to work on co-cultures of muscle and adipose cells observing development and morphology.
2.3. Production of concentrated and functional food
The area of food technology is developing new food prototypes and the technologies (e.g 3D printing) necessary for these, using bioactive compounds, protein sources in order to mitigate negative physiological effects in space.
Our primary task is the development of health-promoting and functional food prototypes, production of bioactive ingredients for humans and farm animals, and the improvement of traditional and innovative food industry technologies and via this, provide technology transfer services for the enterprises of the agri-food sector. During this activity we are cooperating with other units of the University of Debrecen active in the field of life sciences (Faculty of Medicine – clinical test of functional food prototypes), Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology (identification of molecules and their effect, plant and animal biotechnology, molecular biology) and the Faculty of Engineering (machinery technology development, automatization, energy efficiency).
2.4. Water and waste recirculation
3. List of actual R&D activities
3.1. Plant production in recirculation and artificial environment
3.2. Production of animal protein in recirculation technology
Research on production of animal proteins in vitro
Research on skeletal muscle cultures and muscle cell lines are in the focus of our project. Until now we were working on human and mouse primer cell cultures, and our further activity will be carried out on cultures from chicken and cattle muscle as well. Although a big advantage of primer cultures is that, those could be used as a model for the mechanism of cell proliferation and differentiation, their disadvantage is the challenges of cell production in large quantities. The planned model system is perfectly applicable to give colours for the pale muscle cells those are living without blood vessels. Different plant extracts will be used to paint the cells, measuring the uptake of colorants by the cells and study whether it provides the illusion of red meat. During the project, we plan to change and optimize the cell culture media to alter the growth and differentiation of cells. We also tend to work on co-cultures of muscle and adipose cells observing development and morphology.
Insect protein production
The identification and investigation of the applicability of alternative potential animal-based protein sources for human consumption is the other topic of the research group of “Animal protein production in closed recirculation technology”. The main aims of the research topic are the optimization of the rearing technology and the development of the sustainable production system of mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor L.) under specific conditions as an insect protein source.
3.3. Production of concentrated and functional food
Our main task is the development of plant based matrices containing bioactive components for various applications: proving the positive effect of anthocyanins on insulin resistance; proving anti-inflammatory effect of fruit and vegetable extracts with in vitro cell-line system developed by us; large through-put meta-transcriptomic tests for proving the MRNS and microRNS based epigenetic regulatory effect of fruit extracts on hyperglycaemic endothelium cell model system; testing the effect of fruit and vegetable extracts on the gut microbiome and immune status via the stress tolerance of plants raised in in-vitro organogenesis. We have all necessary analytical infrastructure for the undertaking of these experiments.
We are studying the mechanism of action of bioactive compounds of natural origin using Drosophila melanogaser based genetically sensitized research model systems. It is our aim to understand the way the food derived bioactive compounds can influence/affect the cellular phenomena like the regulation of gene expression, metabolism, cell cycle, redox potential and adaptive stress response. We pay a great deal of attention to uncover the mechanism of action of plant derived extracts with hypoglycemic, anti- inflammatory and insulin resistance lowering effects. Based upon our research results we are developing novel health-promoting foodstuff with preventive and/or therapeutic properties.
3.4. Water and waste recirculation
Development and introduction into market of a new poultry manure based, organic biofermented product family with multipurpose GINOP-2.2.1-15-2017-00043
Research of complex rural economic and sustainable development, elaboration of its service networks in the Carpathian basin EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00001